Friday, November 20, 2009


Tomorrow is my family's Thanksgiving Dinner, since most of us will be at the beach next week.
Thanksgiving doesn't mean much to me this year. I've always been big into Thanksgiving and at family dinner going around the room and saying what we are thankful for, but this year, not so much. Since I've been so sick this year, had 3 pain blocking procedures and they all failed, lost my grandfather, and pretty much lived a non existent life, what do I have to be thankful of?
I'm still alive, but I am no closer to being off the pain meds than I was last year, the Dr's have given up on finding what is wrong with me, I have no friends, no contact with the outside world, except through the internet.
With my stomach problems, don't know what I will be able to eat tomorrow, plus I am having additional digestive issues that required a 5 hr ER visit yesterday.
I seriously don't feel thankful for anything except for the fact that I am still alive.

On the other hand, I have found another person that has the same syndrome that I do. She is a 3 yr old little girl and she is the first person, other than me that I have heard of that has my syndrome. She could use some prayers as she has been really sick and in the hospital for the past few weeks. Her name is Eithene and you can find out more about her here: .

Also, if any of my readers are artistic in blog creation, I could really use some help with a blog redo. I try to add templates, but my words either get cut off or it looks strange. I don't want to go all out, but just something cheap and cute would help.

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