Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday morning

Nothing big going on here. It was HOT today, but suppose to rain all day tomorrow.
I did end up having a very unexpected emergency surgery Monday afternoon, but I am already recovered from it and now I'm looking forward to my nerve block this coming Monday morning.
Actually, I am a little scared and nervous of the procedure, as I have never had one before and I'm scared of what could happen and what could go wrong. Hopefully, it will work and I will be able to go off the fentanyl for a while.

I have a prayer need for a family I have mentioned before. The family in Houston that has sextuplets. Three of them died shortly after birth, and 3 girls are still alive. The girls are now 2 mths. Ashlyn, the smallest weighing in at 13oz, is not doing well. Some of her systems are shutting down, and even though she is still on a vent, she is fighting for oxygen and not breathing well. She has been fighting for a while now, but now it seems that she may be loosing this fight.
Please pray for the baby. Pray for the parents. Pray that the Dr. & nurses will be able keep this little girl alive.

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