Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Goin' Bananas

This weekend I am baby-sitting all weekend. Saturday, I am baby-sitting 2 brothers, one is almost 8, and the other is 3. We are going here :
I am not going to sit back and let them have all the fun, I'm going to play with them. I will probably wind up injuring myself in some way or sort, but we're going to have a blast. I will have them for 9 hours, so after we go and play there for however long, I thought about going to the park, so that when I put them to bed that night, they will not give me any problems. They will go right to sleep.
Sunday, I am baby-sitting the 3 year old, and 3 of his brother's friends' siblings. The big boys are going to a banquet for their cub scout troop, and I get the little kids. I get to do this job for 4 hours.
I think that I will be sleeping on Monday. I'll update what happens.

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