Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Changes & 28 years

I am 4 hours into my 28th birthday. And let me just say that this past year was one that I never expected to happen. But, I fought through and am still in the process of fighting and winning my battles. My battles are not easy, for me or for anyone else who is going through a trying and hard learning experience.

And while I cannot drive anymore, the meds are making me into a person I'm not and I am still have some troubles, I am ALIVE, and I honestly didn't think that I would make it through this past year. God has been with me every sense of the way and HE has NEVER left my side.
This past year has tought me more about God, prayers, friendships, relationships, and so much more.
God has led me to a church where I feel accepted, even through my medical challenges. God has taught me that even though "church going Christians" are out there, there is a difference. A difference in saying "we care for you and are praying for you" and a difference in showing "we care for you and are praying for you." God has tought me to accept people for their differences and is teaching me to let people accept me for my differences.

Blogging through this past year has helped me so much this year. Blogging is my way of "escaping" and getting my feelings and emotions out. So, I say thanks to all those who read and sometimes comment on my blog.

Where do I see myself in a year? I have no idea. I want to go back to work, but as long as I am on pain pills and can't drive that is not an option. I have been thinking about going back to school, but my mind has to be alot more clearer than it is now. I want so many things right now, but I have to take life one day and step at a time.

1 comment: said...

Happy Birthday!!