Monday, December 29, 2008

Home from the Hospital

I am home from a 4 day stay at the hospital due to pneoumnia. Last Wed. (12/24) I woke up not feeling well, but couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. Then, Christmas morning, I woke up and was in serious pain and was having trouble breathing. My mom took me to the ER, where I was immediatly taken to a room and started having tests run. I had a fever of 103, my heart was racing, and my oxygen stats were low. I was admitted, and got to come home this evening. The hospital that we went to is very small, and gradually people are starting to find out that it exsists. It only has 10 patient beds, and 7 or 8 labor and delivery beds. They don't admit high-risk patients, instead they transfer them to the big hospital downtown.
My mom and I were so pleased of the care that I got. The nurses were so nice and friendly.
The DR changed some of my meds and continued my anti-biotics. I'm not back to 100% yet, but I feel better than I did last week. Please pray that I will continue to get better and return to my normal activities.

I have a prayer request for baby Stellan. He was rushed to the hospital and has RSV, which can be deadly for infants. Please pray that he will get better and that the Dr.'s and nurses will know how to treat him.
I also have another friend whose daughter has pneoumnia and RSV, and they got home from the hospital yesterday, but she is on oxygen 24/7.

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